Santiago, Chile: Semana 1

Chile Santiago West Mission Office

Wow, what a week! On Tuesday, I finally arrived in Santiago, Chile. When I looked out the windows and saw the mountains it felt like home! It feels so good to be here and have the CCM behind me. The CCM was an adventure; there were many ups and downs. I felt overwhelmed when I arrived in Colombia with the Spanish immersion and the rigid schedule. What at first seemed impossible to endure for six weeks ended up being an experience I will never forget! I was humbled, challenged and spent a lot of time on my knees. I honestly had no idea how I was going to be the District Leader of a district of guys who already spoke Spanish fluently. But I have come to realize that I can do anything through faith and hard work.  That is what the mission experience and life is truly all about. I realized that as I put all of my faith and trust in the Lord and worked as hard as I possibly could, He would help me accomplish anything. 

Elder Connolly and I made the best of the CCM! Everyday we would wake up with a loud “!Buenos Dias!,” sing a hymn in the shower and get right to work! We helped each other stay positive, keep the faith and just enjoy. I’m so grateful that Elder Connolly knew exactly when I needed to take a walk around the CCM for some fresh air. We may have let out a few screams on our walks but then we always went right back into the building and refocused. Every night when we got back to our dorm, we busted out Oreos, peanut butter and started cracking jokes! Our favorite joke was to tell all the new Elders, or "kids" as we call them, that the water and food had Colombian homesickness in it and to beware. We also never lost a basketball game in the CCM; Elder Connolly can ball. As hard as it was to say goodbye to my new best friend, I know Elder Connolly is going to baptize thousands! 

Once I got past the embarrassment of having the heaviest bags at the Bogota airport and scrambling to put my stuff with the other Elders on my flight, I was able to stop sweating and think about who I could give a Book of Mormon to! Elder Wimmer and I started looking around the airport to find the right people. I said a little prayer that I would know who to share my testimony with. As we started to talk to the first lady, she said no thank you immediately but as we turned to walk away, an airport janitor had overheard us and came right up to us. She said that she would love to read the book! I will never forget the amazing feeling of bearing my testimony and feeling the Spirit so strongly that morning in the Bogota airport. We ended up giving a Book of Mormon to two other people and as soon as we finished, I saw a Burger King in the airport. It was a true miracle! I had never had Burger King before but I figured it would taste better than anything I had eaten over the past six weeks. I downed three burgers and then took off for Chile! 

After arriving in Santiago, we were picked up by the AP’s and took the bus to the mission office in Maipu. We had a breakfast and met President and Sister Mitchell. They are amazing people! I loved talking with President Mitchell and meeting their kids. They just arrived in July and have four kids with them! We slept overnight in dorms near the mission office and then met the next morning to be assigned our new companions. My trainer is Elder Staheli from St. George, Utah! He is a stud and has been out for 14 months. We are serving in Melipilla and I love it here. This town used to be part of the South mission where my Dad served! We spend our days walking all over town and we actually found 14 new people to teach this week. We continued teaching this great guy, Osmer, and were able to set up a baptismal date with him. On Sunday at church the Bishop cold-called me to speak in Sacrament meeting! It was hilarious. My companion looked over at me and said, “Well, go for it!” I had no idea what I was going to say on my fourth day in Santiago. Everyone here speaks so fast, it is insane. But the Spanish is coming along! 

I encourage you all to read the Book of Mormon everyday and truly find out for yourself if it is true. I know that as you read everyday and as you pray to know of the truthfulness of it, you will receive an answer! I like to keep things simple: if the Book of Mormon is true then everything else is true too. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that this is the greatest work ever; I am so happy to be in Santiago to share this amazing message! 

Elder Zwick

Colombian Homesickness 


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