Melipilla: Semana 4 & 5

Semana 4 & 5 in Melipilla: wow, I actually can't believe that I have been out in the field for five weeks now! My mom might disagree but time is flying by. These five weeks in Melipilla have been a blast and my trainer Elder Staheli has been great. This past week in particular was full of delicious meals with members, extra large empanadas and teaching many lessons. We have our first baptismal date planned for this upcoming Saturday with Benjamin. Benjamin is a faithful, 19-year-old stud! While his parents aren't really convinced about the whole thing he is ready to be baptized. Benjamin has great faith and a desire to be a better person. Elder Staheli and I are pumped for him and humbled to be instruments in the Lord's hands.  Sharing the Gospel with Benjamin has been a highlight of my mission experience. 

It's truly amazing what a difference a week makes! Last week we were literally rejected by everyone we talked to and then this week we found several new people to teach; the best part was that the investigators actually came to church like they said they would! In addition to promising investigators, we also met new best friends. Hector and Lorena are the best! Hector and Lorena have a five-year-old boy and they are truly the nicest, most humble people. Hector always gives us basketball updates and he actually gave me one of his LeBron jerseys! He knows the way to my heart. Every time we go to their house for a lesson, they have a beautiful meal prepared for us. We have been teaching them regularly and they are both reading the Book of Mormon right now!  We invited them to be baptized and they are on board. Wow, I love them! I love the people here in Chile. 

Most of the people we taught this week are Haitians; they are humble and loving people. But I've got to get working on my Creole! The Haitians love Jesus Christ and we just need to help them figure out where His true church is. This church is literally The Church of Jesus Christ; it truly is His church. We also invited one of our amigos, Mario, to be baptized next month and he was so excited! Mario has different challenges but he wants to change, he has the faith. That is enough! The Atonement of Jesus Christ is an infinite Atonement for everyone.  We just have to exercise a little bit of faith! Faith in Jesus Christ can literally change lives. I am excited to see Mario progress! Mario has committed to praying daily, reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church weekly. These three simple things can change our lives! I encourage you all to do the same and just enjoy your week. Faith in Christ! 

2 Nephi 31:20 
Alma 33:23 
Alma 37:6-7
3 Nephi 11:10-11
Ether 12 otra vez

Elder Zwick


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