Murray: Elizabeth, Scarlett and Anita

What a week it has been! We continue to witness miracles in Murray, Kentucky. On Saturday, Elizabeth and Scarlett were baptized. Elizabeth and Scarlett are roommates and wanted to be baptized on the same day. It was such a blessing to be a part of their conversion. Facebook is helping us bring the Gospel to people during Covid that we otherwise would have never met in person. I am so grateful for Facebook and the miracles that we are seeing as a result of using it wisely. Elizabeth and Scarlett are going to be such amazing members of the Church! 

Anita was baptized today! Anita is my hero. We met Anita literally by accident! We showed up at her trailer, looking for Darlene, another referral. When we knocked on her door and asked for Darlene, she said that she was actually Anita but asked us how we knew that she needed us to come to her trailer that day. It was a literal miracle and I knew in that moment the reason we were there was to help Anita! Anita has overcome so much to be baptized. We have watched her give up lifelong habits and put everything on the line to be a member of the Church. I have never felt more overcome by the spirit watching someone come out of the waters of baptism. Anita's whole countenance was instantly changed as she came up out of the water! I am so blessed to know her and to have witnessed her change of heart. Members of our ward were able to come to Anita's baptism today and that made such a difference. What a miracle! I love being a missionary. I am pumped that I get to stay in Murray for another transfer. Elder Fine and I have more work to do! The Murray State University campus is open and students are back. It's game time! Oh and one more miracle, there's a Chick-fil-A on campus. 

"And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized, the same shall be saved; and they are they who shall inherit the kingdom of God." 3 Nephi 11:33


Elder Zwick


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